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I started going to Natural Benefits for Nutrition Response Testing at the start of 2022 after a major health event that sent me to the hospital. Raelynn and her staff were very welcoming. I was so sick that I could barely sit on a chair to wait for my appointment. The staff noticed and got me right into the treatment room. I started a 12 week treatment plan with Raelynn after suffering for six years from Lyme disease, multiple co-infections from Lyme, 3 brain hemorrhages, seizures and a movement disorder called cervical dystonia. My body was so depleted of nutrients as I would try to eat but have massive mast cell reactions that caused unbearable skin rashes and itching. Just a few months later I am back to doing most of the simple tasks that were not possible for me before this treatment such as cooking, doing laundry, working out or even leaving the house. The mast cell reactions
